commissioned work galleries


day in the life

Day in the Life family sessions are my signature client offering. Ranging from six to twelve hours, these sessions are largely undirected and documentary in style, creating an intimate, beautiful record of the fabric of real family life.

Best for active, adventurous families whose spirits shine when out in the big world and come home with windswept hair and mud between their toes.

For more information, visit “for clients.”


commercial lifestyle

Inspired by the great adventure of childhood reading and its foundational role in growing curious, active, and creative humans, my commercial work with Literati blends documentary, lifestyle, and product photography to create a seamless brand aesthetic.


fine art school portraits

When children are invited to be themselves, there is no need for fake cloud or laser backgrounds, excessive airbrushing, or hokey props.

My preschool portraits strip all the nonsense from the expected and present each growing human in their finest, most expressive form.